Test, Test, Test

I was one of those kids that was always picking up interesting rocks and forgetting them in my pockets. The noise in the washing machine would remind you about them…and annoy the daylights out of mom, which may have been a large part of the charm.

Recently, Runes crossed my path in the form of Thom Pham’s Rune cards of Mannez app. I’ve always been a fan of his Heart of Stars Tarot deck. Crystal Vaults has the best crystal metaphysical reference on the webbernet as far as I’ve seen and, as a point of spontaneous unpaid fangirling, I’ve ordered from them before with excellent price, service and products. They posted on Instagram about how to use crystal chips as a fortune telling device. Seven Dane Asmund, creator of Publishing Goblin and my favorite Alleyman’s Tarot Deck is releasing a dice oracle. Those three things together sparked a brainwave about using crystals and runestones to do a throwing or casting oracle a little bit similar to reading with dice or charms.

At first I thought about offering it as a private reading as a private share video. For now, I’ll just use them on the blog, but if anyone wants to beta test a private reading, let me know. You get the reading just for 1. taking the initiative to email me and 2. giving feedback about the reading including what you think would be a fair price for it.

I’m not sure how this will all work, Thanks for reading! I’m glad you are here. – Sage