Hello and Welcome

Over on SageWordsTarot.com, my mainly Tarot blog, I’ve been planning (but not executing very well) a series of re-introduction posts.

I don’t want this blog to be left out.

The down side is that this blog sometimes feels like a big, pitch black room with a single spotlight on a lone microphone…

The up side is that this blog is like a big pitch black room with a single spotlight on a lone microphone…

Not knowing if there is an audience … or maybe being allowed the illusion that there isn’t one … fosters a sense of comfort. It feels like a place to be bare-faced honest and authentic and how beat poetry cyber punk is that image?

In any case, let me introduce myself and this blog.

I’m Sage. I read Tarot and occasionally write stuff.

I’ve been reading Tarot since the early 1990s, professionally since around 2003 and blogging about it from the beginning.

At first I kept Tarot separate from my other work, and for a while tried to do both together, but that didn’t work as well as I’d hoped. So now I’m back to using a pen name. I chose the pen name Sage for a variety of reasons. Sage in aromatherapy clears negative energy, lifts mood and supports positive outlook. In folk herbal medicine, it is thought to be a general tonic. In magical practices it is thought to bring good luck, prosperity and wisdom when it is burned as incense or a healthy sage plant is growing in or near the home. The word sage can mean the plant that gives us all of these things, but it is also a word to describe something wise, like the advice we get from Tarot. Sage is also a wise person themselves, and is a word often used in Taoist writings. Taoism has always been a refuge and inspiration for me, in Tarot and in general.

So Sage it is.

Sage the noun and the adjective, not to be confused with smudging which is a beautiful but closed spiritual practice that uses the lovely sage plant.

If you are interested in Tarot, please feel free to browse the post archive here. This is essentially the old Modern Oracle Tarot / Tarotbytes blog but re-branded to match my current Tarot web name “Sage Words Tarot

This blog brings things full circle, preserving a little of the old Modern Oracle days but also bringing it back to the roots of blogs as a whole, when web logs were almost personal journals. This is the place where I’ll put non-Tarot essays, contemplation in general, and longer format void screaming that won’t fit onto my Threads feed.

This isn’t advertising, this isn’t portfolio-like audition to get you to get Tarot readings with me (although I hope you will. My prices are as affordable as it gets and distance Tarot is as convenient as it gets)

I hope you’ll support my work but also drop by here for a little extra food for thought.

But now…I gotta go do this weeks “you choose” reading … and some laundry.

See you at the next sip!

When Bad Stuff Happens

No matter what your views are about attraction and manifestation and the alignment of energies….

No matter how good that schadenfreude tastes….

Bad things happening to bad people is never reason to blame them for their own difficulties.

Their hate and anger just doubles the tragedy. Their hate and anger is a second suffering on top of the things it may attract.

In the words of the Doctor in the “Vincent and the Doctor” episode of Doctor Who written by Richard Curtis

“The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things … The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant.”

Hate-filled people may seem to deserve what Karma gives them, but on the every-day, every-man level of things, there is no need to add our disdain to their already double-sized pile of bad things.

Whether we add to the sum total of good things or sum total of bad things in this world is our own deal with karma.